
Old lampshade's make over

This 2nd hand lampshade was brought from Ikea 4 years ago at SGD5 only. It has "aged" a lot and it does carry a lot of sentimental values for me. So instead of having it deserted into trash bin, have to think ways to refresh it.

i have tried these tips lately:

1) Brooches are some of the best accessories to make it alive again, shown in the above pic. I picked up this trick from the "Living Etc" home decoration & interior program. (Who says watching TV is wasting time...heehee)

2) if your hands are itchy enough and you have plenty of time to kill, you may want to paint directly on the lamp shade which is a good canvas to bring out the artist in you. It is more challenging if there are existing patterns. You can come up with something fun to make good of them like below.

The existing black line patterns have been turned into red rose, a snail's shell, balloon and a big seating ball. ;)
I have yet to explore transfer my favourite images onto it (http://art-e-zine.co.uk/image.html for various techniques). Or, apply decoupage (http://www.wikihow.com/Decoupage). Or, even beading!!

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